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ElancoRebates.com: How to Claim Your Elanco Rebates

People love pets but unfortunately petcare expenses are a necessary evil of owning your pet and in these tough economic times with high inflation we know everybody could use a little bit of cash back on all of their expenses.

The great thing about Elanco Pet care company and their products is that they off the ElancoRebates program, which offers customers some wonderful cash back rebates on money they spend for pet medications to keep their loveable furball healthy. No matter whether you have purchases of Galliprant, Interceptor Plus, Interceptor, Trifexis or almost any other product from Elanco you’re likely eligible for a rebates.

How to Make Your Elanco Rebate Claim at ElancoRebates.com

Elanco Rebates

Recent news reports, say that pet parents spend on average over $1,500 per year on health care costs for their dogs. A number that has likely ballooned even further due to the rampant inflation. This is just regular annual pet care expenses and doesn’t include if your dog happens to have a major accident or health episode during the year. These are on top of the costs associated buying your new pet, adoption fees, kenneling costs if you go on a trip and need to check your pet into an overnight pet hotel..

The fees just continue if you need to bring your pup to the vet during the year for regular checkups and then you’ve got grooming costs, feeding your pet, toys for your pet.

The list goes on and on.

You’ll also likely need to spend money on training classes for your dog.

With all of these pet expenses listed above it’s crucial pet owners find ways to save money and stretch their dollars which is where the Elanco Rebates program comes in.

Pet owners can claim rebates in the form of cash rewards, coupons and discounts on future purchases of Elanco products.

Types of rebates can you claim with Elanco Rebates Program?

When you purchase Elanco products, you can often submit an ElancoRebates claims to get some money back.

Most Elanco products are eligible so no worry if you have a cat rather than dog. Of course, not all products are eligible and there are certain terms and conditions you need to review in order to make sure you qualify and complete your rebate claim properly.

Tips for claiming your Elanco Rebate

ElancoRebate.com Products

When visiting www.Elancorebates.com you will see a instructions listed on the right side of the screen. Just follow those instructions.

In the menu bar you’ll see a link to their FAQ section, a page to check your card balance, tracking your rebate and a contact page.

The FAQ section includes all kinds of information for how to claim your rebate.

The tracking page allows you to lookup and check the status of your rebate claim and estimated delivery time-frame.

You can check your Elancorewardbalance on the card balance page.  (Note: When you get your rebate it’s in the form of a pre-load debit card instead of actual money).


How long does it take to get my Elanco Rebate?

You can expect your rebate to come in 6-8 weeks if you followed the instructions correctly for claiming your rebate. If it’s been more than 6-8 weeks we suggest you contact customer service.