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17 Best Toys and Gifts for 3 Year Old Girls

By the time your little girl has reached the age of 3 she is able to walk in a straight line, jump with both feet, and hold a pencil properly. Toys for children this age should help your little girl’s imagination thrive and aid in developing their gross and fine motor skills while aiding their cognitive development while providing hours of fun for your preschooler.

This guide contains the best and highest rated toys and gifts for your 3 year old that provides your child with hours of fun while helping them develop their physical and cognitive skills.

In order to make it easier for you to use this guide we have divided it into 3 sections.

Section 1 – What are the best 3 year old girl toys?

Section 2 – What are the best non-toys gift ideas for girls of this age?

Section 3 – What do you get for the three year old girl who has everything?

Helpful Tips for Choosing Good Gifts for 3 Year Old Girls

  • Consider all types of toys for your aged 3 girl instead of only the stereotypical toys for girls. If you do this you may be surprised that your girl develop a unique interest more typical to boys.
  • Remember child this age have loads of energy so you should consider an outdoor toy if your child has a summer time birthday.
  • Three year olds typically have short attention spans so be sure to get them a gift that balances usefulness with fun so the child your buying for doesn’t lose interest.

12 Best Toys for 3 Year Old Girls

1. Climb and Crawl Play Tunnel

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This cute No products found. is a perfect gift for any little girl. Made to look like a colorful caterpillar this tunnel is 7 feet long and high enough for kids to sit inside. There are holes in the tunnel that can be used for a window or as foot and hand holds for climbing on top of the tunnel. Not only will little girls find that this is a fun outdoor toy, but it will help them build their gross motor skills through crawling and climbing activities.

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2. Mad Mattr Super Soft Modeling Dough

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This No products found. will be fun for any little girl who likes creating their own shapes. This dough can be formed into shapes, Squeezed, painted, floated, stretched and so much more. This modeling dough sticks to itself and not to you so cleaning up is simple and easy. This modeling dough will help little girls strengthen their hand muscles and aid in developing their fine motor skills.

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3. Water Table

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Water tables not only make great toys for young children they allow them to explore a bit of the properties of water in a fun and unique way. This No products found. comes with a lot of fun accessories including a rubber duck, frog and fish water squirter, 2 spinning pieces, 3 maze pieces, a strainer and a bucket. This makes a great gift for Christmas or birthday and your child will have hours of fun playing outdoors using this tool.

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4. My Giant Busy Box

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Young children love doing crafts and this No products found. makes for a great gift for young kids because it contains everything you need to make 16 different crafts including pipe cleaners, buttons, dough, frames, stickers and so much more. Not only are these crafts for any child, but will help them develop their fine motor skills.

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5. Mona Doll

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If the 3 yr old girl in your life loves the movie Mona and wants to own No products found. then this cute little doll will be perfect for imaginative play. The doll comes with an intricate detailed costume and a cute little paddle (as well as a paper boat). This doll will allow your child to re-enact scenes from the movie or make up her own adventures.

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6. Hopper Ball

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Not only are No products found. great gifts for young girls and lots of fun since little girls can bounce around the house or in the yard on grass. It will also help your child to further develop their gross motor skills and their balance while the time of their lives.

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7. My First Purse

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Young girls are fascinated with their mother’s purse and what is inside so giving them No products found. will make a great gift for any young girl on your shopping list. This purse is pretty pink with a girl, flowers and a butterfly. This purse comes with a cell phone that makes sounds when you push the button, a key fob that makes sounds and has 3 keys, a lip stick and a credit card. This purse will allow for hours of fun play for any little girl on your shopping list. It does come with batteries.

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8. Lego Duplo Playground Brick Box

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This cute little No products found. makes a great gift for any 3 years old girl on your shopping list. This kit makes a great toy for imaginative play once it is put together. The playground comes with two little figures that can go down the slide, ride on the swing, sit in the playhouse or in the little car.

There are 71 pieces in this building set and building toys will not help develop hand/eye coordination, fine motor and problem solving skills.

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9. Cutting Board Pretend Food Basket

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Toddlers love to pretend to prepare and cook food and this No products found. that can easily be cut (put together with Velcro) makes pretending to cook even more fun for toddlers. The set comes with a pizza, tons of fruits and vegetables, two cutting boards, 2 knives, dishes and a basket to keep all your food in. This is a toy that grows with your child and gives them hours of play for the next couple of years.

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10. Hoover Heart Ride on Panda

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If you are looking for a fun birthday or Christmas gift for a girl age 3 then this cute No products found. will make the perfect gift. This Panda bear uses a 6V/7A battery and can hold up to 132 pounds. The seat of the Panda is only 18 inches from the ground and will provide hours of fun for any small child who wants to go on their pretend adventures.

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11. Alphabet Puzzle

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Puzzles are fun activities for small kids and choosing to give your child an No products found. will help teach letter recognition and matching skills while developing fine motor skills and cognitive skills. This colorful wooden puzzle has chunky pieces great for little children to handle making this both a fun and educational toy for toddlers or preschoolers.

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12. AquaDoodle Drawing Mat

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This No products found. is a great toy for any young girl as you simply fill the pen with water and draw on the mat and like magic different colors appear in the figure or letter you draw. After a few minutes the water dries and your doodles disappear. It really is like magic for young kids while helping them develop their fine motor skills.

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5 Useful Non-Toy Gift Ideas for 3 Years Old Girls

1. Cute Little Dress

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Little girls love wearing cute clothing and this No products found. comes with various graphics and is perfect for any young girl on your shopping list. Best of all this dress can be worn with ankle socks, leggings or tights and be dressed up or dressed down.

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2. Hair Accessories

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This No products found. are cute and little girls will love wearing these tiny flowers in their hair. There are 14 different colors of flower clips so there is sure to be one to match any outfits your child decides to wear.

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3. Love is Story Book

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This is the perfect No products found. and teaches children about love, letting go, and being responsible for other living things. Kids will love the rhymes in this story. As your child gets older they will enjoy reading this book on their own. Books make great gifts for children, because it helps to instill a love of reading in children at a very young age.

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4. Dinosaur Plate and Utensils

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Girls of this age can be finicky eaters so you giving them this Cute Dinosaur Plate and Utensils (spoon, fork, pusher) will make eating more fun and may even encourage them to clean their plates. The utensils are designed to be easy for small hands to hold and the plate is divided in sections.

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5. Think2master Alphabet and Sight Words Flash Cards

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This No products found. will teach your child to learn to read and write the letters of the alphabet. There are also a few sight reading words so these flash cards will grow with the child as they continue to learn. This is a great way to spend bonding time with the child while preparing them to be successful when they start school.

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What Are Unique Gift Ideas for a 3 Year Old Girl Who Has Everything?

There are times when young children can actually have too much. Their toy box may be so full with toys that they don’t play with, or their closets may have clothes that they will outgrow before they get a chance to wear them. If that happens to be the case for a young child on your shopping list here is what you can choose to do.

Extend A Gift They Already Have and Love – If the little girl on your shopping list has a favorite toy they play with constantly why not consider giving them something that will add to that toy. For example, you can give them doll clothes to go with a favorite doll, add more blocks to a building set, or something extra to their playhouse or other toy.

Consider A Gift of Experience for the Entire Family – Young children are eager to learn more about the world, so why not consider giving the entire family a pass to a zoo or children’s interactive museum so the child can enjoy time with their family while engaging in a fun activity that is mainly geared towards their age level.

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We hope this gift guide will help you to choose the right gift for that young 3 year old in your life. Keep in mind that this guide can be used as is, or serve as inspiration for you to find the right gift for your own daughter.