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16 Best Toys and Gifts for 4 Year Old Girls

4 year old girls are at an age where their gross motor skills are rapidly developing as is their imagination and verbal skills. Young girls of this age need plenty of time to engage in both active and pretend play in which they can continue to develop their motor and socialization skills. This gift guide for four year old girls offers a variety of toys and gifts that will help develop their physical, cognitive, and social skills while offering them hours of fun play.

To make it easier for you to find the best gifts for the little girl in your life we have divided this gift guide into 4 short sections.

Section 1: Tips on choosing the right stuff for 4 yr old girls

Section 2: The top 11 toys for girls age 4

Section 3: The 5 best non-gift ideas for girls of this age

Section 4: Ideas of what to give a 4 Year Girl who has everything

Keep in mind that we have chosen only the highest rated gifts that we could find to help assure that every gift on this list is excellent quality.

Helpful Tips for Choosing Good Gifts for 4 Year Old Girls

  • Girls of this age have a lot of energy and need some active outdoor activities to help them burn off some of that energy.
  • Keep in mind that girls are often interested in toys that are often considered “for boys”, toys should be considered to be gender neutral and if your daughter prefers trucks and cars to dolls their interest should be included.
  • Provide you child with toys that will help improve their self-esteem and let them know they can do anything they set their mind too.

 11 Absolute Best Toys for 4 Year Old Girls

1. Kinetic Sand

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This No products found. is great for young children as this sand can be played with inside without making a mess! The sand feels like wet sand, but sticks only to itself. The kit comes with 2 pounds of kinetic sand, 2 tools and 5 molds. The container itself offers a contained play space for building your castle, or anything else you please. Smaller beach sand toys will also work well with this set.

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2. A Cute Stuffed Animal

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Young girls of this age still love playing with stuffed animals and this No products found. that they can hold in their hands makes the perfect gift and pretend pet for any girl who loves animals. It may even make girls want to learn more about hedgehogs and how they became pets.

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3. Bug and Insect Floor Puzzle

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Introduce your child to a bit of science through this No products found.. Children of this age love floor puzzles and this colorful and fun floor puzzle will hold your child’s interest while improving their fine motor and hands/eye coordination skills. Since this is a floor puzzle made from thick cardboard your child will want to assemble this puzzle again and again.

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4. Play Kitchen

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Children learn a lot about the world from imitating the adults in their life, and this No products found. will a little girl in your life cook up a storm for her doll and stuffed animal family. The cook top makes lights and sounds. There is a refrigerator, stove top and oven, kitchen sink, two planters containing vegetables and some kitchen utensils and even a pan. The veggies are held together with Velcro so your child can actually feel as though they are cutting the vegetables to cook in the pot. There are even two cute storage bins for storing other dishes and food items. This would make a great Christmas or Birthday gift for any little girl on your shopping list.

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5. Plasma Car

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4 year old girls love Ride On Toys and this No products found. is not only cool looking, but it fun for children to ride. All they need to do is wiggle the steering wheel and off they go. It is surprising how fast your child can make this car go. The car comes in a variety of colors so you can choose the color the child loves the best.

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6. Little Tikes T-Ball

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Girls enjoy sports as much as boys do and this No products found. makes a great gift. What a great way for a young girl to practice her batting and or fielding while parents or siblings bat. Not only is this great way to develop her baseball/softball skills, but also hand/eye coordination as well.

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7. Flower Fairies

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What girl doesn’t love to imagine she is the midst of adorable fairies. Get One or All of These Fairies so that little girl on your gift list can enter a world of pretend play where fairies rule the world and have all different types of adventures as they fly around in their own little world. These are great toys for pretend play.

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8. Aqua Mat

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This No products found. is almost like magic to young children. All you need to do is fill the pens full of clear water and have the child start drawing and watch the drawings come to life in living color. After 3 to 10 minutes your drawing or doodles magically disappear as quickly as they appeared. This pad makes a fun gift for Christmas or birthdays and the large 40 inch by 32 inch size makes this pad ideal for the child to draw with a friend.

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9. Princess Castle Tent

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Every young girl needs her own little private space that can get away and this No products found. is the perfect space for the young in your life to play, day dream and even take a nap. While this tent is made for indoor use, it can be used out of doors on a sunny day.

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10. Building Kit

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This No products found. is perfect for young girls who will love the unique shapes in this 172 piece building set. There are instructions your child can follow to make specific shapes and items or they can use their own imagination to build all sorts of fun things. Building toys help children develop their fine motor and problem solving skills and helps create interest in fields such as engineering as your child gets older.

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11. Lady Bug Memory Game

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This No products found. is the perfect game for young children to play on family game night. Kids will love making matches and collecting the lady bugs. This is a great gift and the perfect way to help children improve their memory skills.

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5 Great Non-Toy Gift Ideas for 4 Year Old Girls

1. Do Princesses Wear Hiking Boots?

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The No products found. story book is perfect for young girls on the verge of starting school. It teaches young children the value of being just who they are and not trying to be what they think others want. A powerful message to all young girls and a great gift.

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2. Cute Dress

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This No products found. is sure to thrill any little girl. This little dress can be worn with tights or leggings and is perfect for wearing for pictures or even for play. The cute little llama on the green dress will make a little girl smile every time she puts it on.

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3. Penguin Light

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Most young children hate getting up in a dark room to go to the restroom at night and many children don’t even like sleeping in a completely dark room. This No products found. is cute enough to look good in any child’s bedroom and the colors of light can change making it part room decoration, part useful light.

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4. Kids Size Table and Chair

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Every little girl needs a place to color, to practice here letters and numbers, play with Play-Doh or clay or simply to sit and read and this kids size table with two storage bins will give that little girl on your shopping list a No products found. to allow her to relax and be creative.

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5. Color My Bath

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These No products found. come in red, yellow, or blue and there are both large and small tablets so you can mix tablets to get secondary colors. Having colored water will make your child stay in the bath longer. Combine these bath tabs with a cute bathrobe or the No products found. to add to the gift and make it all the more friendly for that special little girl.

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What Are Good Gift Ideas for a 4 Year Old Little Girl Who Has Everything?

Girls of this age are so easy to buy gifts for that oftentimes they end up with far more toys and clothes than they need. When this occurs you may find yourself wondering what alternative gift you can give that little girl who seems to have everything.

Consider Giving A Gift That Goes With Something The Child Already Has – For example, if that young girl already has that princess castle tent, then why  not buy or make a couple of pillows to go into the tent for the child to sit on. The child will love getting new décor for a favorite toy and will make her playtime more comfortable.

Consider Giving A Gift that Remains At Your Home – If you are purchasing for a niece or grandchild why not consider purchasing a gift that can remain at your home so that whenever the child visits they will have something new to play with. This will make the toy at your home more exciting since they will only have it to play with when they are visiting you.

Experience Always Make a Great Gift – Giving a gift of experience always makes a great gift and there are so many great activities around the Christmas season that can make the holiday special for a young girl. For example, a sleigh ride or a visit to a Christmas village even if it occurs before the actual holiday can make a great gift, and then for the holiday itself, you can give a scrapbook of pictures from the special event.

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This gift list is designed not only to give you some specific gifts, but also to serve as an inspiration for you when choosing gifts for 4 year old girls in your life!