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14 Best Toys and Gifts for 6 Year Old Girls  

By the time a young girl reaches 6 years old, she is in first grade and is still developing her motor skills. She most likely has already run into gender messages and may feel that as a girl she needs to play with “girly” toys and not the same toys that boys her age enjoy.

Nothing could be further from the truth as young girls, just like young boys need to have a variety of activities that challenge them physically, mentally and creatively. We have comprised our gift list of gifts that will allow your child to develop both their gross and fine motor skills, and also stuff that encourages physical activities as well as challenge them mentally and creatively.

To make it easier for you to find the right gift for the 6 year old girl on your shopping list we have divided this gift guide into 2 main sections.

Section 1 – Top toys for girls of this age

Section 2 – Best 5 non-toy gifts for young girls

Helpful Tips for Choosing Good Gifts for 1st Grade Girls

  • Think about what toys or gifts a young child will find fun and exciting or a 6th birthday. Do they enjoy playing outdoors kicking a soccer ball or throwing a ball or do they prefer to stay inside color?
  • Encourage outdoor play by choosing toys that are appealing to 1st grade girls of this age.
  • When choosing stuff for a child this age, consider choosing something that they can enjoy with other family members as well as gifts they can use on their own.
  • Consider getting the child a building or construction toy to help them develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills.

9 Great Toys for 6 Year Old Girls

1. Brain Flakes

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These No products found. make an excellent gift for any young child. This building toy will encourage your child’s creativity while developing their fine motor, critical thinking and problems solving skills. Best of all with 500 flakes in this set, your child can build by herself, or be joined by family members since there is enough building materials for everyone.

Best of all this is a gift that can grow with your child since they can use these discs for building projects for years. In addition, you can add to the set to stimulate even more intricate and bigger building projects.

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2. Snap Beads Jewelry Kit

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Young girls almost always want to wear their mothers jewelry, but this No products found. they can make their own necklaces, bracelets, rings and more. The variety of styles of jewelry your child can make is limited only by their imagination. To top things off making jewelry and even belts with these beads are so much fun that the whole family may want to get into the act.

These beads will help your child develop their fine motor skills and can be put together and taken apart over and over again, which makes this jewelry making kit for young kids even more fun.

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3. Penguin Mold

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Playing out in the snow in winter time is part of the fun of being a young child and this No products found. will allow your child to create her own penguin colony. The mold can also be used at the beach to make sand penguins as well.

To add to this gift consider visiting a thrift store and buying a couple of scarfs and hats so the child can dress their penguins for even more fun!

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4. Pedal Go Kart

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Your first grade girl will be the coolest kid on the block with this No products found.. She’ll have great fun riding along the drive, on the sidewalk or on paved paths in a park. The adjustable seat on this Go kart will allow your child to ride in comfort and style!

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4. EZ Steppers

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These No products found. are a fun toy for six year old girls who are not quite ready to play on stilts. These upside down looking sand buckets with attached ropes will help your child improve both their balance and their gross motor skills while providing them with hours of fun play. These steppers are challenging enough to hold your child’s interest, but not so challenging that won’t get the hang of them quickly. This toy can provide great fun on a warm spring or summer day and can even be used indoors.

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5. Frozen Doll Set

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If your little girl loves Frozen she will be thrilled to get this No products found.. The dolls are poseable and perfect for imaginative play as your child acts out scenes from the movies and then makes up her own new stories using these characters.

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6. Animal Upon Animal Stacking Game

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No products found. is a stacking game that will help to build hand/eye coordination, fine motor skills and critical thinking while enjoying a fun game that the entire family will love. Each player gets 6 different types of animals that they must stack on the Crocodile before anyone else stacks all of their animals. The problem is, stack your animal in the wrong place and the animal stack comes tumbling down.

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7. Rainbow Sand Art Kit

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This No products found. is made more special because once your child has the sand in the container they can create a scene by adding the cute little unicorn and some stickers. Your child will be so proud that they created a stylish decoration for their bedroom by using their own creativity.

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8. Lego HeartLake Hot Air Balloon

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This No products found. is a build and play set perfect for young school age girls. The kit comes with two little play figurines, a waterfall, picnic area, flowers and of course the hot air balloon itself. 250 pieces in all provides a challenging, but doable project for most 6-year olds.

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9. Ribbon Ninja

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If you are looking for a fun game that the young girl in your life can play with family or friends then the No products found. is perfect. Designed for 2 to 6 players. Each player has three ribbons attached to a wrist band. (2 ribbons on one wrist- 1 on the other wrist). Then you try and grab your opponents ribbons before all of yours are grabbed. This is a fun game that is great exercise and requires speed, and a little bit of strategy to play.

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5 Excellent Non-Toy Gift Ideas for 6 Year Old Girls

1. Toy Box Bench

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If the young girl in your life has a collection of toys then this No products found. is a perfect gift for that child. Not only does it provide a place for her to place her toys, but it also serves a bench where the child can sit and read or simply curl up.

This toy box has a soft close lid that has to be forced down to close to keep it from slamming down on your child’s head and hands when they are getting toys out of the toy box.

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2. Cute Dress for School

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Many six year old girls love wearing a No products found. to school. However, when giving a young girl a school dress you want to choose a dress that is comfortable to wear and can be worn with socks or leggings. This dress comes in several different colors. Not only is this dress clean, but it also has a couple of pockets which kids love.

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3. GZCY Star Projector

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If that little girl in your life doesn’t like to sleep in the dark this No products found. will light up their room in a unique way that will allow them to sleep like they are sleeping under the stars. This light also promotes sleep in young children.

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4. Giraffes Can’t Dance

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Many families already have the No products found. in their home but if not it is a great book for a first grader who is developing reading skills. The rhymes in this book are fun and entertaining to young kids and the message is important to help young children understand that they all have their special talents and that they can learn to do almost anything they want to do.

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5. Princess Duvet and Pillowcase Set

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Let that young girl in your life feel like a princess when she goes to bed at night with this Cute Duvet and Pillow Case Set that magically looks like your child is dressed in a princess gown once she is tucked into bed.

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What To Get a 6 Year Old Girl Who Has Everything?

There are times when a young girl has everything they could possibly need at the moment or else they simply have so many outfits and toys that giving them any more would be overwhelming. If you find yourself in this type of situation then here are some alternative gift suggestions that you may want to consider.

Give a Gift Of Experience – Experiences make wonderful gifts in place of “things” and young girls are eager to learn more about the world and everything in it, so they will be thrilled to receive a gift that allows them to try or do something new and different. Best of all giving a gift of experience doesn’t have to be expensive. For example why give of your time one day a month to teach the child how to make some healthy after school snacks. Each time you meet teach the child a new snack they can make that won’t require the use of any sharp instruments. Things like cream cheese and raisins in celery (ants on a log) Fruit kabobs (small fruits and berries placed on a toothpick) and other snacks.

Activity Passes –Activity passes for the child and her family to places like water parks, ball pits, bounce houses and more make great gifts for children allowing them to have fun without adding clutter to their house. There is normally some place close by that offers activities for young children and families so coming up with a pass should be fairly easy.

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At this age girls are pretty easy to please and enjoy trying new toys and doing new things, so we tried to cover gifts that would be sure to please any little girl on your shopping list.